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Town and Country
Garden Club of Ipswich

Our Mission... to promote service to our community and to encourage learning about conservation and good gardening practices.


Fact Sheet Organized: 1965

Federated: 1966

Membership: 90

State Flower:Arbutus

State Bird:Chickadee

State Tree: Elm

Member of National Council Of State Garden Clubs, Inc.

and The Garden Club Federation Of Massachusetts



How We Began: On April 1, 1965 six women were brought together by Nancie Godwin to explore the possibility of forming a second garden club in Ipswich. She was convinced that Ipswich would benefit from a garden club with open membership which could provide community service as well as a place for experienced gardeners to share knowledge and best practices. Six months later they had expanded to thirteen to discuss the name, define the purpose and needs, and explore federation membership. Within a year by laws were written, membership had increased to thirty one and 54 years later with a membership of over 70, we are happily planting, sharing and learning in Ipswich. We meet from September through June and schedule program activities and events which include hands on workshops, lectures, conservation efforts, community planting and Ipswich High School scholarship support. Membership applications are accepted every spring for the upcoming gardening year. We hope you will join us.

Membership Info

We warmly welcome new members! 


Membership for Town and Country Garden Club is open to all residents of Ipswich and the surrounding communities. If you have any questions about membership or would like to join our club, please contact our membership chairperson Patricia Bodenstab at 978-771-3325 or 

Sunflower with butterfly.jpg
Membership Info
Get In Touch!

We're happy to answer your questions.


Town and Country Garden Club 

Ipswich, Mass

We’d love to hear from you!

Announcements & News
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Community Service 2024

Thanks to Town and Country Garden Club of Ipswich members who gathered for spring cleanup to beautify the grounds at The Riverwalk and town library.

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Community Service 2023

Community service helps in many places of our beautiful Ipswich town all year long. We are busy at the Riverwalk, Library, Ipswich Museum and the DPW entrance area. Our activities range from spring and fall cleanup, planting, watering flowers and shrubs to decorating for the holidays. We encourage every member of our club to join us when they can to contribute to our town. 


Town & Country Garden Club of Ipswich (TCGC) Annual Scholarship

Since 1976, the TCGC has given a scholarship to a graduating high school senior who resides in Ipswich. Each applicant should be interested in pursuing a career in one of the fields of Horticulture: agriculture, botany, landscape design, conservation, forestry, city planning, environmental studies or environmental engineering. In January, the Committee Chairman sends out notices and application forms to all local high schools where Ipswich Seniors may attend. In April, the applications are returned to the schools’ guidance counselors and are forwarded to the TCGC Scholarship Committee. Another responsibility of the Scholarship Committee is the handling of the Ruth Burns’ Memorial Fund. This is an internal club scholarship set up in memory of a former member, Ruth Burns, by her husband, to further club members’ education in flower arranging and related subjects. Any member in good standing can request monies for this purpose through the Scholarship Committee Chairman subject to the approval of the Board.


Thursday, September 14th at 11:30 AM

(please note date and time)

Opening Meeting with Linda at Nunan’s-All About Bulbs & Fall Gardens

LOCATION: Nunan’s Garden Center, 269 Central St. Georgetown

As we reconvene and welcome new members, we begin with Nunan’s master horticulturist, Linda. She will tell us how to prepare our gardens for the winter and what we need to know about fall planting. Bring your home gardening questions to the expert. We will follow the talk with “buy your own lunch” at their fabulous onsite café and for those who are game, stay and play a round of mini golf on their beautifully landscaped course.

*** Note The Time of Day. ***

Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 7PM

(please note first Thursday of the month)

Successive Perennial Bloom

SPEAKER: Kim Perilli

LOCATION: Ipswich Bay Yacht Club, Quay Road

Come and meet Kim, a real “hands on” local gardener. Kim knows just about anything you might ask her about gardening in this area. She will share her expertise about keeping that perennial bloom coming with favorite anchor plants and lots more.

Don’t miss this informative session, so much to learn.

Thursday, November 9th, 2023 at 7PM

Holiday Arrangement Workshop

SPEAKER: Connie McCausland

LOCATION: Ipswich Town Hall COA, Lower Level

COST: TBD We love our workshops and this year we are thrilled to be under the competent hands of our own Connie, a Flower Show judge and master designer. She will lead us in a holiday arrangement we can use for Thanksgiving. How fun to be together and get in the holiday spirit creating an arrangement we can take home.

More information and cost will follow.

Thursday December 14th, 2023 at 6:30PM (Please note time)

Holiday Social

LOCATION: Ipswich Museum

This traditional celebration is the culmination of the work by members utilizing their creative talents to decorate the Ipswich Museum and celebrate holiday friendship and collegiality. Please join us for a lovely dinner, a glass of wine and enjoy the entertainment provided by students with the Ipswich High School music program.

Always guaranteed to be a delightful evening.

~No meeting in January 2024~

Thursday February 1st, 2024 at 7 PM

Right Plant, Right Place in Landscape Design

SPEAKER: Jack Elicone, Landscaper and Horticulturist

LOCATION: First Church Meeting House, 12 Meeting House Green

Jack has owned several landscape companies and taught horticulture in a number of venues. He will take us through what we should be thinking about when planning and planting our yards and gardens. What will grow fast and large? What needs shade and water? What about companion planting and deer? Don’t miss this very informal discussion and bring your personal challenges.

*** Open to the Public***

Thursday, March 14th, 2024 at 7PM 

Audubon and His Love of Birds

SPEAKER: Martha Chiarchiaro, Seeing History

LOCATION: Ipswich Museum, Shared meeting with Ipswich Garden Club

We are thrilled to have Martha return for a repeat lecture. For our conservation meeting we will learn through the art of James Audubon his interest in conservation and his love of birds. Martha has been presenting lectures for the past 30 years and combines her art history background with gardening. She is a superb and seasoned presenter.

*** Open to the Public***

Thursday, April 11th, 2024 at 7PM

Fragrance in the Garden

SPEAKER: Joan Pearson, Fair Haven Photographs

LOCATION: First Church Meeting House, Shared meeting with the Ipswich Garden Club

Joan is a landscape architect and photographer. This is a new topic for us, fragrance.

She will take us through the garden with beautiful garden photos of what scent does for a plant.

She will discuss specific plants, shrubs and trees with fragrant flowers and foliage and where to place them in your landscape.

Thursday, May 9th, 2024 at 6pm (Note time change)

Garden Container Workshop

LOCATION: Country Garden Nursery, Central Street,

Rowley Country Gardens was a hit this last spring so we will return to select plants from

Bill and Lisa’s greenhouse stock and create a lovely spring container.

This has always been a fun, early evening as we ready our homes for the summer gardening season.

More information on this later, cost to be determined.

*** Note Time Change***

Thursday, June 13th, 2024 at 5:30 (Note time change)

Annual Meeting and Dinner

LOCATION: To be determined

COST: To be determined

No matter where we hold our dinner, please make plans to come and join in this special evening

to celebrate the year with your gardening buddies.



Club Officers

Co-Presidents: Deborah Costa and Diana Stump

Co-Vice Presidents: Rose Brown and Heather Campbell

Recording Secretary: Rosa Mishel

Treasurer: Donna Maggio

Corresponding Secretary: Elaine Lucas

Communication Manager: Marianne Olmstead

Club Officers
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.

400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 110

Waltham, MA 02451

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©2024 The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.  

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