The Thursday
Garden Club of Sudbury

The Thursday Garden Club of Sudbury is a 501 (c)(3)
non-profit organization.
The club was founded in 1951 with the purpose of
promoting and perpetuating a fundamental interest in horticulture, conservation and civic contributions while fostering a community
of beauty and friendship.
The Thursday Garden Club is a member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Our club activities include planting and maintaining gardens and traffic islands around Sudbury such as Grinnell Park, the Children’s Garden at the library, and the
Daffodil Trail at Town Hall.
We also provide the Holiday Decorations at Town Center and decorate a room at Hosmer House for the holidays.
We sponsor a scholarship for a Lincoln-Sudbury High Senior planning a career in environmental studies or horticulture.
Our monthly meetings provide educational programs open to the community.
Membership Info
Our club meets on the second Thursday of each month
from September to May.
If you enjoy gardening, landscaping, flower arranging, touring local gardens, and working to beautify Sudbury, come join us!
Dues are $45/year.
Members are expected to attend regular meetings, serve on a committee, and help work in the gardens.
Contact us at if you are interested.
Photos 2024

Our Fabulous Annual Fairy Garden Fundraiser May 2024
Photos 2023

Our members with their floral arrangements accompanying
the quilts at the Wayside Quilt Guild Quilt Show

Civic work: planting at the Children’s Garden, new water tank, holiday decorating

Our Fairy Garden Trail Fundraiser: so much magical fun!
Photos 2022

Our members worked diligently over the course of several weeks to clean up and plant the gardens we maintain in Sudbury, including Grinnell Park in Town Center, the Children’s Garden at the library, and numerous traffic islands around town.

The Fairy Garden Trail Fundraiser at the
Wayside Inn was so much fun!
Photos 2021

Holiday Decorating around town and Emma's Tree at The Wayside Inn
The gardens we maintain in town ~

Members working in the gardens at spring cleanup and planting,
also doing holiday decorations in Town Center ~

Fairy Garden Trail Fundraiser ~

Calendar of 2023-2024 General Meetings
Most of our meetings will take place at the Presbyterian Church
at 330 Concord Road in Sudbury unless otherwise noted.
Our meetings usually start at 9:30 AM with a short social time, followed by
a business meeting and speaker presentation.
General meetings are free and open to the public.
We do have occasional evening meetings or meetings on Zoom.
Updated information can be found on our Facebook page.
September 14th 9:30 AM: Heather Halsey of the Sudbury Garden Club will do a demonstration on Fall Containers.
October 12th 9:30 AM: Fall Clean-up and Planting Day and Luncheon
November 9th 9:30 AM: Mary Beth Hayes of Semper Virens flowers will do a Workshop on Wreaths and Garlands. Open to members only.
November 30th 9:30 AM: Town Center Decorating and Soup Luncheon
December: Hosmer House Decorations, Wayside Inn Decorations, and Decorating Emma’s Tree
January 10th (Wednesday 7:00 PM (Joint Meeting with the Sudbury Garden Club): Our speaker will be John Forti and his presentation will be” The Heirloom Gardener-Traditional Plants and Skills”.
February 8th 9:30 AM on Zoom: Tovah Martin will do a presentation on “Easiest Houseplants Ever”.
March 14th 10:00 AM: (Joint Meeting with the Sudbury Garden Club): Maureen Christmas will do a floral demonstration on “Designs for Entertaining.” This meeting will be held at Goodnow Library.
April 11th 10:00 AM: Safiyat Hamiss of Tasty Harvests Kitchen Gardens will do a presentation on “Planning and Maintaining a Kitchen Garden”. This meeting will be held at Goodnow Library.
May 9th 9:30 AM: Spring Clean-up and Planting
May 18th: Fairy Garden Trail Fundraiser (tentative)
June 6th: Annual Luncheon

2024 News
Announcements and News
We just finished another busy year with many fun, informative events. Our speaker programs included talks on creating fall containers, houseplants, floral design and planning a kitchen garden. We also held a special program on Pollinator Pathway Gardens. Floral design is an important focus of our club. Two members created a lovely floral arrangement inspired by a painting at the Museum of Fine Arts for the popular Art in Bloom exhibit. Many of our members create floral arrangements for display at Goodnow Library. Our members enjoyed socializing at several potluck luncheons, the very popular Holiday Swap party, and our end-of-the-year Annual luncheon at the Nashawtuc Country Club.
Civic and town Decorating
Our members work diligently to beautify the town of Sudbury. In October, we cleaned up the gardens in Town Center, the Children’s Garden at the library, the large traffic islands by the high school and other smaller traffic islands around town. We then planted chrysanthemums to add beautiful fall colors. In December, holiday decorating was our main focus. Members hung festive garland and wreaths in Town Center. Some members decorated the gift shop at the Wayside Inn, as part of a collaborative effort with other garden clubs to decorate all the public rooms at the Inn. Others created bird food ornaments to decorate an outdoor tree by the Gate House at the Wayside Inn, in honor of Emma, a chef at the Inn during the Henry Ford era, who enjoyed feeding the birds. At the Earth Day celebration in April, our club had an information table where members gave away small maple tree saplings to interested families. Other members planted bulbs in front of Town Hall. In May, it was time to clean up the gardens and plant new perennial plants and annual flowers for spring/summer color.
The Fairy Garden Trail at The Wayside Inn
We held our very popular Fairy Garden Trail Fundraiser on May 19th at the Wayside Inn. Due to public demand, this has become an annual event and gets bigger and better every year! The trail was decorated with over 70 fairy houses and gardens of all varieties. Five of them were available in a raffle drawing. Guests had the opportunity to purchase fairy souvenirs and fairy-themed baked goods. There was a play area for children with craft activities. This event is as much fun for our members as it is for guests of all ages, from toddlers to grandparents.
Scholarship Recipient
Every year, our club provides a scholarship to a Lincoln-Sudbury high school senior who is planning to enter the fields of horticulture or environmental studies. This year, our scholarship was awarded to Nate Garozzo. He has an impressive resume of environmental projects and community work. Nate is a voting member of the Sudbury Energy and Sustainability committee, an apprentice at Hutchins Organics Farm in Concord, and a livestock management intern at the Codman Community Farm in Lincoln. In addition, he served on the LSHS Student Senate, was President of the Intergenerational Connections Club, captain of the varsity wrestling team, and volunteered as a math and Latin tutor. Nate hopes to study environmental science at the University of Southern California, Duke or Cornell. He was grateful to be the recipient of our $2000 scholarship. Because of our successful fundraisers over the past few years, we were able to give two additional scholarships to previous recipients to continue their college studies. Emilia Arabbo has completed her sophomore year at Tufts University where she is studying horticultural and sustainability issues that impact the local and global community. Shani Dar has completed her freshman year at Brandeis University. She is studying topics that include Fundamentals of Environmental challenges and anthropology. This summer she will be studying oceanography and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in Puerto Rico. Both students will receive $1000 scholarships. Our club is very pleased to support these very impressive students!
Over the Summer
Our club does not have regular meetings over the summer months but that does not mean we are not busy! We all take turns watering and weeding the gardens we maintain around Sudbury. We partnered with the Sudbury Garden Club to purchase a water tank to be put on a water department truck to make it easier to water the gardens that do not have a water source. Garden club members accompany the water department worker when the gardens are watered.
Socially, members also enjoy visiting each other’s home gardens and taking trips to local public gardens.
Club Officers 2023 - 2024
Co-Presidents: Joy DiMaggio and Marcia Higgins
Program Chairs: Donna Kruse and Karen Sample
Corresponding Secretary: Ellen Baucom
Communication Secretary: Open
Recording Secretary: Haley Bush
Treasurer: Jan Martin
Chairpersons of Standing Committees:
Children’s Programs: Cynthia Nelissen
Civic Activities: Stephanie Avgerinos, Jerry Martin, and Joy DiMaggio
Hospitality: Alice Levine and Elaine Taranto
Library Arrangements: Carol Signorino
Membership: Lynn Francis and Angela Stoller
Publicity: Karen Sample
Newsletter: Joy DiMaggio
Social Media/Facebook: Donna Moy-Bruno
Fundraiser: Angela Stoller, Donna Moy-Bruno and Haley Bush