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Seaside Gardeners of Marshfield
Seaside Gardeners of Marshfield Logo.jpg

The Seaside Gardeners are dedicated to sharing and increasing our knowledge of gardening, nature, and horticulture as well as participating in related community commitments for the town of Marshfield.

Regular meetings are held at the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield on the second Monday of the month at 9 AM from September – December, and February – May. Our meetings include a social time with refreshments followed by a speaker or workshop and business meeting. As a nonprofit organization we hold an annual Greens Sale in November and a Plant Sale in the spring. Our other activities currently include:

*Art in Bloom

*Summer Street Island Garden

*Governor Winslow House Gardens and Arrangements

*Ventress Library Arrangements

*Website/Facebook Maintenance

*MHS Scholarship

*Gardening program at Boys & Girls Club

*Meeting Hostess

*Members Garden Hop

Membership Info

Membership is open to all who share our interests with participation expected in the above activities after attendance at 3 meetings. Explore this webpage to learn more.

You may contact the person listed below for more information.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Marcia Joyce


Membership Info
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Program Schedule 2024-2025

All meetings are at the Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield

unless otherwise specified


Monday, September 9, 2024

Betsy Szymczak

“Plant Parenthood”

This program focuses on propagation of popular houseplants.  Various techniques such as stem, leaf and petiole cuttings will be demonstrated.  Houseplant pruning, and grooming will also be discussed.  Tips on early Spring propagation of popular summer bedding plants will also be included.  Betsy previously spoke to our club on “Gardening with Dahlias”!


Monday, October 7, 2024

“Floral Design Mechanics Demonstration”

Lorraine Walsh and Mary Lou Ashur

Did you ever wonder why florists’ arrangements look spectacular? Have you noticed how they sometimes seem to fly, to defy gravity – or just hold their shape.  Listen in as Lorraine and Mary Lou of Artistry Floral – share some of the secrets of the trade.  “It’s all about the Mechanics, Darling.” Even the simplest of arrangements benefit from thoughtful mechanics.  The chief designers of Artistry Floral, demonstrate some of the basics: how to think about wide or narrow containers; what mechanics to choose for stiff or soft stems.  You will also see some creative and sustainable methods of mechanics – like using leaves or sticks, wire, collars of natural materials, and the foliage and flowers themselves.  Learn to hide your mechanics – or show them off as part of the design.  Be ready to learn floral traditions, but also break floral conventions as we form.

November 4, 2024


Mimi Santini-Ritt

Mimi Santini-Ritt is a Level 15 Professor of Ikebana who has studied Ikenobo extensively in both the U.S. and in Japan for almost 25 years.  In February, 2020 she completed the Kyoyoka – a course of studies at the Ikenobo Central Training Institute in Kyoto and is currently enrolled in Kyoyoka-B.  Mimi teaches, exhibits and demonstrates the art of Japanese flower arranging throughout the greater Boston area.  She is Past President of the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Boston.  When not practicing Ikenobo, Mimi can often be found at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, where she does volunteer work in Egyptian Storage and Conservation.

November 29, Greens Workshop

November 30, Greens Sale


December 9, 2024

“Hanging Holiday Ball Workshop”

 Susie MacPherson and Eileen Sheehan

Please come to enjoy making holiday “kissing balls”. 

This is a very simple project which can be completed during our meeting together.

The inner structure of the balls will be completed and available to you at our meeting so all you have to think about is making your creation to your liking!  All basic materials will be provided other than embellishments.  The greenery selection will be based on what is available at the time and how many balls need to be made.  As we are going to make all of the forms ahead of time, we are going to ask members to sign up for the project at the previous month’s meeting, so we have an idea as to how much plant material we are going to need to provide. 

A sign up sheet will be available in November.

January – TBD (luncheon)

February 10, 2025 TBD

March 10, 2025

“Not Your Mother’s Garden”

Deborah Chud

In Not Your Mother’s Garden, Deborah will take us on a photo tour of her dramatic Piet-Oudolf-style New Perennials garden and describe the design principles underlying it.  Many of the plants are unfamiliar – even to experienced and knowledgeable gardeners.  These “New Perennials” constitute a special canon of plants that exhibit qualities valued by members of the New Perennial Movement – pioneers in the shift toward naturalistic landscape design.  What’s new about New Perennials and what can they do for you?  Walk through her garden with her to find out.  This will be a virtual presentation at the Boys & Girls Club.


April 14, 2025

“Artists’ Gardens in New England

Jana Milbocker

Some of our most beloved painters, sculptors and authors were inspired by the gardens they created.  Visit the private havens of Edith Wharton, Julian Alden Weir, Chide Hassam, Daniel Chester French, Emily Dickinson, Augustus Saint-Gaudens;, Celia Thaxter and others.

Jana Milbocker is the author of “The Garden Tourist’s New England.”  She also previously spoke to our club on “Pots with Pizzazz”.


May 12, 2025

         Meeting Location:  Historic Winslow House

Announcements and News

President’s Message

Bravo to the outgoing executive board and officers of Seaside Gardeners! You have all done an outstanding job of serving the club by conducting meetings and programs, heading up committees, and keeping finances on track.

As the incoming President my primary goal is to continue to keep SSG going in a positive direction with the support of a very capable and professional slate of officers that the nominating committee has spent months recruiting. They include:

Deb Lehman - President

Alida Alberts - Vice President

Debbie Gill - Secretary

Krista Blair - Treasurer

In addition, the members of the eight Standing Committees and Other Committees are listed in your program book. Hopefully with every member contributing in their own unique way we can continue to have a club where we enjoy each other’s company while pursuing common gardening interests. I see SSG as a supportive learning environment that is welcoming and inclusive to all members.

I have been a member of the club since the fall of 2019, serving as the Vice President the past 2 years and Wreath Cochair for the past 4 years. I was also a member of the Duxbury Community Garden Club for 7 years in my younger days. Coming from a health care/ educational background I bring a teamwork/ problem solving/ goal-oriented perspective to our group and hope my leadership skills will continue to grow within my role as President.


I know we can continue our mission(purpose) to increase members knowledge of “gardening, nature, horticulture, and related interests” in new and creative ways. I invite each of you to pledge to continue to grow our commitments to the community.

Deb Lehman, President


I’d like to share this poem by Mary Oliver, one of my favorite poets. My dad, who was an avid vegetable and rose grower, was “the gardener” who inspired my love of gardening early on.


The Gardener by Mary Oliver

Have I lived enough?

Have I loved enough?

Have I considered Right Action enough, have I come to any conclusion?

Have I experienced happiness with sufficient gratitude?

Have I endured loneliness with grace?

I say this, or perhaps I'm just thinking it.

Actually, I probably think too much.

Then I step out into the garden, where the gardener, who is said to be a simple man, is tending his children, the roses.

Club Officers 2024-2025

President   Deb Lehman

Vice President   Alida Alberts

Secretary   Debbie Gill

Treasurer   Krista Blair

Club Officers
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.

400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 110

Waltham, MA 02451

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©2024 The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.  

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