Open Gate
Garden Club
of Chelmsford
"To have a mind at peace
A heart that cannot harden
Go find a GATE that opens wide
Upon a lovely garden."
Open Gate Garden Club founded 1962.
Affiliated with National Garden Clubs, the NGC New England Regions, the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, and GCFM Northern District, since 1964.
17 Active members and 2 honorary member.

Membership Info
Garden Club Objectives
To advance and encourage the art of gardening and the study of horticulture, floriculture
and landscape architecture; to further civic beautification and to practice conservation.
Members come from Chelmsford and surrounding towns. Membership is open to all who
are interested in the club objectives.
Club Requirements:
1 Payment of yearly dues of $35 due in May
2. In-person meetings are Sat. morning at 10:00; Zoom meetings are Mon. evening at 6:30
No meeting in Dec, Jan, July or Aug.
3. Participate in one of the other projects the club does that year.4.

October workshop last year to make a design in a pumpkin with Mary Beth Hayes

A member and former president, Mary Bootle was made a honorary member

2023 Annual Banquet

Last winter design in the urn at the library

Get In Touch!
We're happy to answer your questions.
Meetings are held on
a Monday at the beginning of a month
excluding July, August, January, and February
at 6:30 P.M.
Club Projects:
Civic Beautification:
Landscape design and maintenance of the plantings at Perham Corner traffic island & Jessie Stewart Urn at Adams Library.
Herb Interest Group meets at 10:30 am 3 times a year at member’s homes to study herbs to grow, cook with and for health.
A Newsletter, “Through the Open Gate,” is published monthly.
Programs for the public to inform them about the environment and horticulture.
June Cook Memorial Program for children at the Adams Library in April
Workshops for members in design, crafts and horticulture.
Monthly speakers on horticulture, environment, conservation & floral design topics.
Announcements & News
Programs for the Year
Sept 11, Annual Mtg. & Banquet – Princeton Station Restaurant, 5:30 pm
Oct 14, Lecture on Houseplants by Catherine Cooper, Weston Nurseries, Chelmsford, 10 am
Nov. 11, Workshop to decorate a 4” grapevine wreath – Unitarian-Universalist Church, 10 am
Feb 12, Zoom lecture on “The Bridge of Flowers” by Kirsten Torkelson, 6:30 pm
Mar 13, Zoom lecture on “Remarkable Natives for a Planet-Friendly Garden” by Kerry Ann Mendez, 6:30 pm
Apr 6, Lecture – “History of the Merrimack” by Merrimack River Watershed Council, 10 am, Unitarian-Universalist Church
May 11, Flower arranging workshop on pave design by Thelma Shoneman, 10 am, Unitarian-Universalist Church
June 10, Lunch & shopping at Pickety Place, carpool 9:45
Herb Group Meetings -10:30 am
May 21 – studying the herb of the year
July 15 – trip to an herb garden
Sept - TBD
Club Officers
2023 - 2024
President: Linda Jean Smith
Vice President: Sharon Rubin
Recording Secretary: Myke Travaglia
Treasurer: Janet Veino