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Flower bouquet


Flower Show Awards Webinar April 22.jpg

On April 22, 2024, Gail Hubacker (Chair), Ruth Evans, Hila Lyman and Beate Bolen gave a webinar about how to create an award winning flower show and where to find the pertinent information.  Click on the image to download a PDF of this presentation.


There are currently nineteen GCFM flower show awards available for member garden clubs to apply for.  Find a comprehensive list of them, including all guidelines, here.  

In 2024, the big winner was the Springfield Garden Club, with their entry "Welcome to the Park", winning three state awards.

   1.  The Margaret E. Marsh Flower Show Achievement Award

A Silver Bowl, in memory of Margaret W. Marsh, presented to a club which stages a  Standard Flower Show or Design Specialty Show receiving the highest point scoring of all shows currently applying for a national or state flower show award.

  2.   Violet E. MacLaren Flower Show Schedule Award

Established by the Hamilton-Wenham Garden Club in memory of Violet E. MacLaren and awarded to a club that submits the best schedule for a Standard Show, Design Specialty or Horticulture Specialty Flower Show.  The winning club designates a member to receive a scholarship to a Flower Show School given by the GCFM.

   3.  The Ruth Wallack Schedule Award

A silver tray given by Beth Shalom Garden Club awarded in Ruth's memory for the most creative schedule of a Small Standard, or Standard Flower Show, or Design Specialty Show.

In addition, Springfield won the prestigious FS-1 C  Club Standard Flower Show, 50-99 Member size award from National Garden Clubs, bringing their total to four awards for "Welcome to the Park".


Artwork by Jamie Risley-Hall

Click on the sign to read the "Book of Evidence" from Springfield Garden Club's award winning flower show "Welcome to the Park"

Click on the logo to read an article about Springfield Garden Club's "Welcome to the Park"

Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.

400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 110

Waltham, MA 02451

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©2024 The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.  

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