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Crystal Garden Club
of Reading

With an active membership of approximately 35 members, the Crystal Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month September through May in the Great Room at the Pleasant Street Center in Reading at 7:00 PM.

The Crystal Garden Club was organized in September 1955 by a group of Reading and Wakefield gardeners.   The Club’s objectives are to study all aspects of horticulture, landscaping, conservation and floral design, and to participate in civic beautification within both towns.  The Crystal Garden Club joined the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts in 1957 and continues to be an active member.


The Crystal Garden Club’s Community Projects each year focus on the design, installation and maintenance of plantings at the Pleasant Street Center Garden and the Reading Fire Station Garden.  The Club also participates in the planning and decorating of one room at the Hartshorne House in Wakefield for their annual Holiday Open House.  In addition, the Club donates gardening subscriptions each year to the Beebe Library in Wakefield and the Reading Public Library, and provides centerpieces for various civic activities including the Reading Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and the Mother’s Day Brunch for Senior Citizens.

Membership Info

Members of the Crystal Garden Club serve on various club committees such as Ways and Means, Civic Beautification, Membership and Hospitality, and the Hartshorne Holiday Open House.


Active members are encouraged to serve on a Committee within the Garden Club.  The work of these committees help to make our Club activities successful! 

Membership Info

Second prize for

gardens in


Adopt an Island


Hartshorne House Christmas celebration.

Get In Touch!

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Meetings Schedule

The Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month, from September through May

The club meetings are held at Pleasant Street Center
at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise noted. 

General Meetings are open to the public.

Guests are welcome except where
“Members Only” is specified.
Recommended guest donation is $10.


Annual dues are $45 per year, which includes the cost of the 

Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts newsletter, the eMayflower.  

Dues are payable by March 30th for the following year. 

The Crystal Garden Club is a member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts,

Middlesex District, and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Meetings Schedule:

September 10, 2024 — “Backyard Bird Feeding”

Social 6:30P / Meeting 7:00P

Dave Williams, a retired Reading science teacher, has been birding for more than 40 years. He will share his expertise telling us how to attract a diversity of birds to your backyard, from cardinals to chickadees to downy woodpeckers. Selecting different types of seeds and feeders, ways to provide water, squirrel prevention, and more will be covered in Dave’s talk.

October 17, 2024 / Thursday — “Jaw Dropping, Traffic Stopping, Get Your Neighbors Talking Container Gardens”

Social 6:15P / Meeting 7:00P Members Only

Joint Meeting of 5 Clubs (host: Stoneham Garden Club)


Deborah Trickett, owner of The Captured Garden, is a certified horticulturist and landscape designer. She has worked throughout New England creating container gardens and designing gardens for discerning gardeners. Her designs showcase uncommon plants, and her plant combinations are anything but cookie cutter

Location: Stoneham Town Hall, 35 Central Street.

November 12, 2024 - “Interpretation of Art in Bloom” Social 6:30P / Meeting 7:00P


For those to have been to the Museum of Fine Arts to see their annual “Art in Bloom” exhibition, you are one of the lucky ones. For those who have yet to go, tonight’s meeting might give you the inspiration to put it on your bucket list. Ellen Mastracola will interpret a painting by creating an original flower arrangement. As we watch her design take shape, she will talk about her design process and behind the scenes at Art in Bloom.


December 10, 2024 — “Sustainable Floristry – Hardy Winter Greens and Wreath Making” Social & Holiday Bazaar 6:15P / Meeting 7:00P Guest Night

Shared Meeting with Wakefield Garden Club (host)


Stacey Alleva Lee is the owner of Paeonia Designs, an event floral design studio with an artful approach. Stacey will share her approach to sustainable floristry focusing on hardy winter greens, dried elements and a touch of floral. Watch her create an evergreen wreath and two vase arrangements using sustainable mechanics.


All members are asked to donate holiday or garden items priced for sale for our annual holiday bazaar. We encourage you to invite guests to our gala evening (no guest fee).


Location: Wakefield Lynnfield United Methodist Church,

273 Vernon Street, Wakefield

January 14, 2025 — “What’s Wrong with my Houseplant?”        Via Zoom

Social 6:30P / Meeting 7:00P


Bonnie Power is a Massachusetts Master Gardener and an MMGA Speaker. As with our outdoor gardens, many things can go wrong when you grow plants indoors. Bonnie will speak about the factors that make for happy houseplants, including lighting conditions, water requirements and soil types. She will also discuss common houseplant pests and diseases, and how to treat them.

February 11, 2025 — “The Chelsea Flower Show”

Social 6:30P / Meeting 7:00P Movie Night


Step into London’s world renown annual social and horticultural event. We’ll watch a behind-the-scenes process of creating the amazing displays of different types of gardens. Please bring either a bag of gourmet or a bag of your favorite popcorn to share.


March 11, 2025 — “Seed Starting Simplified”

Social 6:30P / Meeting 7:00P


Just in time for gardening season, Cathie Keane will share her knowledge of the economical and nearly magical process of starting your favorite plants from seed. She will teach the basics of starting annual and perennial flowers and vegetables. You will learn how to jump-start plants indoors, direct sow to your outdoor garden or container, as well as winter sow perennials.

April 8, 2025 — “Tea, Gardening, and the Cultivation of Friendship”

Social 6:30P / Meeting 7:00P


Presented in vintage dress, Lisa Steigerwail of Experiencing Home, will feature the history and horticulture of the tea plant as well as a “visit” to three important tea gardens in history. Tea and gardening have been constant companions throughout the ages. Learn how to make a pot of tea with ingredients from your own garden and endear yourself to the etiquette and ceremony of afternoon tea. Bring your own teacup.


May 13, 2025 – Annual Business Meeting and Dinner

Social 6:00P / Dinner 6:30P Members Only


Enjoy scrumptious Italian food and conversations followed by our annual business meeting when each committee chair will share their yearly report.

Location: Luna Rossa Restaurant, 1699 Shawsheen Street, Tewksbury


June 10, 2025 – A Garden Soiree              6:00P


We will end our season with a stroll through Bev’s gorgeous garden followed by festivity. Bring a favorite sweet, savory or beverage. Potential members are cordially welcome.

Location: 16 Alden Circle, Reading

Announcements & News

No new announcements at this time.

Club Officers


Michele Clopper

Vice President 

Lauren Ream

Recording Secretary 

Mary Mehringer



Erin Fopiano


Corresponding secretary 

Janice Feagley

Program Director

Cathie Keane

Club Officers
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.

400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 110

Waltham, MA 02451

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©2024 The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.  

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