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Our club was established in 1959 and Federated in 1960.

We are a member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc.

The Club members meet the fourth Tuesday morning each month from September through May. Most of the meetings are held at the New England Forestry Foundation located at 32 Foster Street, or at a location published in the yearly Program Book.

A different educational program is included with each month’s meeting. All programs are garden related with subjects including garden cooking, fairy and elf gardens, care of fruit trees, beekeeping, container gardening, edible centerpieces, attracting butterflies to the garden, herb gardens, edible teas, sustainable farming, and many more.

We also go on field trips (Tower Hill, Mount Auburn Cemetery, Nashoba Winery, Garden in the Woods, private home gardens, etc.) and hold a luncheon at the May meeting.


This is a working club!

Each member is assigned one Civic site in Littleton (of 13 total sites currently) and to one Committee within the Club (Garden Therapy, Program, Horticulture, Library, Civics, and other appointed committees) The plantings at each Civic site are changed four times per year.

Members also take turns placing a floral arrangement or plant at the front desk of the Reuben Hoar Library each Monday.


Our Club does activities with seniors in town once a month and also annually gives trees to third graders in town. We hold a plant sale on the Common on the second Saturday in May annually, and we have a table at the Holiday Bazaar held the first Saturday of December.


We have lots of fun while working together as a team. Being a member gives you the opportunity to meet others, build friendships, and learn about gardening.

For more information about us, or to attend a meeting as a guest, please 


Thank you again for your interest!

Membership Info
You are welcome to attend our next meeting
as a guest.
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Membership Info
Get In Touch!

We're happy to answer your questions.

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Meeting Schedule

Club meetings start at 9am at

New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF)

32 Foster Street, Littleton.


2024-2025 Meeting Schedule​



September 24: Farm to Table


October 22: Conservation Gardening for at-risk species


November 19: Gardening in the Age of Climate Change


January 28: Out Future with Water - Managing Storm Water


February 25: Winter Seed Sowing


March 24: (Monday field trip) Parker’s Sugar Barn


March 29: (Saturday meeting) Eyes on Owls - Open to the Public


April 22: Roll Back your Turf / Lawn Alternatives


May 10: (Saturday 9am-2pm) Plant Sale at Littleton Common




Announcements & News
Our 2024-2025 season will start in September 2024

Anyone interested in joining The Littleton Country Gardeners is welcome to attend a meeting as our guest.  Contact for more information.

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Littleton Country Gardeners maintains plantings in thirteen civic sites, changing them up four times per year.

This includes fountains around town, the entrances to the town hall, the library,

and even the fire department, among others.


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Club Officers
Lynn Warren - President
Susie Glines - Vice President
Heidi Madison - Secretary
Leslie Shaw - Treasurer
Club Officers
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