Garden Club
Organized in 1930
2023 - 2024
Ninety-Fourth Year
2024 - 2025 Theme
The world of flowers is endless.
There are many varieties and colors to satisfy everyone.
Bask in their beauty in your gardens and flower arrangements.
Club Object
"To stimulate the love of gardening, to aid in the protection
of native trees, plants, and birds, to encourage civic planting
and to promote interest in floral design"
“He who would have beautiful roses in his garden,
must first have beautiful roses in his heart.”
~Rev. S. Reynolds Hole, The Rose King
Club Colors: Lawn and Leaf Green
Club Flower: Wild Rose
Club Song: America the Beautiful”
92 Active Members
24 Associate & Sr. Associate Members
29 Honorary Members
145 Total Members
Since 1931, the Danvers Garden Club has been a member of:
National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc.
New England Regional District
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. (GCFM)- Northeastern District


Savers Clothing Drive by the Danvers Garden Club 2023

May 2023 Plant Sale

Danvers Garden Club Arbor Day Program ~Remarks by DGC President Ann Farley
and planting by Great Oak Elementary School students
The Georgia McHugh Award is given annually to the novice with the highest point score in the Design Division at the Topsfield Fair.
This year's winner is
GCFM members Pat Fleming and Julianna Kallas presented the award at the November meeting of the
Danvers Garden Club.

The pictures are from the Rememberance Garden at the Kaplan Family Hospice House and the flower urns that are located outside of patients' rooms. The Club seasonally plants and maintains these flower urns. The Club's Downtown Decorating Committee seeks sponsors for the hanging baskets which line the main street in Danvers.
The Danvers Garden Club also seasonally plants and maintains two gardens-Centre Street in Danvers and on Rt 62 on the Danver/Middleton line.
Get In Touch!
We're happy to answer your questions.
Danvers Garden Club
P.O. Box 167
Danvers, MA 01923
Upcoming Schedule to be Determined
Announcements & News
DGC Clothing Drive-Saturday, 10/5
St Richard's Parking Lot (8:00-am-12 Noon)
DGC Annual Greens Sale-Saturday, 12/7
Polish Club-Cheever St (9:30 am-11:30 am)
DGC Spring Plant Sale, Saturday, 5/17
(9:00am-Noon), rain or shine, TBD
Club Officers
Joyce Hampton & Carol White
First Vice Presidents:
Ann Chandler & Ann Farley
Recording Secretary:
Patty Chisholm
Corresponding Secretary:
Linda Cignetti
Denise LeGrow