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Attleboro Garden Club 2022 – 2023 Meeting Schedule
All meetings to be held at Good News Bible Church, 235 West St,
Attleboro, MA 02703, unless otherwise noted in description.
All programs, unless otherwise noted, will be held at Good News Bible Chapel, 235 West St., Attleboro, MA.
Beginning in October and going through June of the following year, Day meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. and Evening meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
Topic: A Look at the Chelsea Flower Show
Speaker: Kathi Gariepy
Kathi Gariepy is a Lifetime Master Gardener with the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association, past Vice President of the MMGA, past chair of the Master Gardener Advisory Board, past and present president of the Attleboro Garden Club. The recipient of multiple awards and currently the chair of the Attleboro Conservation Commission.
Kathi will show us around the world-famous Chelsea Flower Show. Highlighting the gardens, with their cutting-edge designs, use of spectacular plants and wonderful color palettes. Chelsea is not only about design but about what can be brought home; some of the best garden tools, garden decorations and garden ideas will be included. Passports not required for your mini trip to London.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: Soil Health
Speaker: Annie Bayer
Annie Bayer is the Operations Manager for the Tiverton, RI Land Trust. She will help us explore all the elements necessary for healthy, productive soil. With the help of a projecting microscope, we will be able to see first-hand what makes our soil fertile or not fertile. Bring samples of your soil or compost and we will take a look!
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
Topic: New England Stone Walls
Speaker: Kevin Gardner
For more than forty years Kevin Gardner has been a stone wall builder in a family business widely known for traditional New England stonework. Kevin’s talk covers a few of the main topics of his book about New England stone walls, The Granite Kiss, touching on history, technique, stylistic development, and aesthetics. He explains how and why New England came to acquire its thousands of miles of stone walls, and their significance to the famous New England landscape.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: Satisfying Your Plant Lust
Speaker: Jana Milbocker
Jana Milbocker is the principal of Enchanted Gardens, a lecturer and author. She combines horticulture, design, and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight both new and seasoned gardeners.
Does the thought of a new hosta, trillium or peony cultivar or a variegated ginkgo make you mad with desire? Both collectors and casual gardeners will enjoy exploring the best specialty nurseries in New England.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, from 10:00 a.m.
Event: Members Helping Members
Speakers: Jessie Murphy & Lynn Moore
Our own members, Jessie and Lynn, will guide us in making a seasonal item of our choice. We’ve made swags, boxwood trees, wreaths. They’re all special when we’ve made them ourselves. Any questions or ideas, call Jessie or Lynn
Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Event: Attleboro Parks Department Annual Holiday Parade
Attleboro Parks Department hosts the annual holiday parade starting at Attleboro High School ending at Highland Park. The parade finishes with activities and raffles for children and adults.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: Members Helping Members
Speakers: Joscelyn Varieur
Joscelyn Varieur is a past AGC co-President and is on Board of Directors of the Garden Club Federation of MA. She loves the holidays and wants to share her decorating talents. Members may bring a project they are working on or may choose one of Joscelyn’s if they need inspiration. Wreaths, candle rings, cemetery baskets, table centerpieces will be explored. Joscelyn needs to know how many members will need supplies so please email her at
January 4, 2025 @ 11:30 a.m. | Winter Doldrums VI Luncheon
Winter Doldrums VII Luncheon
Relax with your garden club friends at Briggs Corner Pizzeria, Oak Hill Avenue, Attleboro, MA.
RSVP to Sandy Stuart if you plan to attend.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.
Topic: Native Plant Habitats
Speakers: Cindy & Ed Moura, Owners of Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch, Native Plant Emporiu
Start digging roots in your yard and community. Build back vital habitat one native plant at a time! Cindy will show us how to create resilient gardens that support and nurture our environment and our lives.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: Making More Plants
Speaker: Kathi Gariepy
Kathi Gariepy is a Lifetime Master Gardener with the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association, past Vice President of the MMGA, past chair of the Master Gardener Advisory Board, past and present president of the Attleboro Garden Club. The recipient of multiple awards and currently the chair of the Attleboro Conservation Commission.
Everyone wants more plants but sometimes the cost is prohibitive. Did you know you can make more plants from what you already have growing in your yard…or your friend’s yard and it will be for FREE. Learn about growing plants from cuttings, from air layering and from seeds to get your yard brimming with trees, shrubs and flowers. It’s easy once you know a few simple methods and spring is the perfect time to start a few new plants.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.
Topic: Photography
Speaker: Patti Spaght
Patti Spaght has been a member of the Fairfield Garden Club since 1982 where she has served as president, a director of the Garden Club of America, and chair of three national GCA committees. Most recently she co-chaired the 2024 GCA Annual Meeting Flower Show. She has been a national photography judge for GCA for ten years. An accomplished photographer in her own right, Patti will explore the fascinating world of nature photography and what goes into judging a winning piece. Join us for this exciting talk!
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: The Importance of Honeybee
Speaker: Lisa Mellgard & Leslie Knowles, Bristol County Beekeepers Association
Bristol County Beekeepers Association is a 501c nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers. BCBA is dedicated to the support of local beekeepers and the advancement of responsible apiculture through informational meetings, workshops, mentor support, community outreach and educational programs.
Lisa Mellgard and Leslie Knowles are presenters from the BCBA Education and Outreach Committee who will discuss the importance of honeybees in the pollination process and gardening to support these vital pollinators. BCBA merchandise and local honey will be available for purchase.
Wednesday, April 9, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: Design a Natural Mini Meadow
Speaker: Leisha Johnson, Owner and Principal Designer Gardens by the Yard, LLC
Meadows, with their stunning diversity, are essential habitats for wildlife and pollinators. While they often span large landscapes, their charm and benefits can be effectively scaled for home gardens.
In this presentation, we’ll explore how to create a meadow that fits well in your residential space, whether you prefer a more structured design, a wild and untamed look, or something in between.
At the heart of these designs is the thoughtful selection of plants, ensuring harmonious combinations that thrive in the specific conditions of your site and complement each other.
We’ll discuss how to use a mix of perennial, annual, native, and ornamental plants to achieve four-season beauty and habitat support. Additionally, we'll introduce some lesser-known plant varieties typically absent in conventional ornamental gardens.
Prior to the session, a questionnaire will be provided to ensure the presentation focuses on the audience’s primary interests.
Saturday, May 3, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. – Noon
Annual Plant Sale @ Good News Bible Chapel
Wednesday, May 14, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Topic: Annual Meeting of the Attleboro Garden Club
Special combined Day and Evening meeting. Reports from our committees, nominations, and election of new officers for the 2025 – 2026 club year.
Saturday, June 7, 2025
Field Trip: Cochato Garden Tour 373 N. Franklin Street, Holbrook, MA
Cochato, the once local Wampanoag tribe used the word to mean “running water.” The garden is a 3D living tapestry of color, form and texture with many native and wildflower plantings tucked into and against exotics. One of the owners will give us a tour of the nursery and fabulous display gardens! Moderate walking. Meet at 9:30 AM at the Stop & Shop, Pleasant St. Attleboro parking lot bordering Rte. 123. RSVP to Andrea Dion-Purdy at
Date: TBD
Event: Annual Garden Visit & Stroll Host: Andrea Dion-Purdy
We will visit Andrea's interesting mix of sun and shade gardens that include several unusual plants and many native species. Address to be provided in advance of the event.
Thursday, July 17, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Event: Summer Garden Party
Host: Kathi Gariepy
Kathi Gariepy will hold a garden party to get together to see friends, talk about our garden successes and failures and how much the bunnies have eaten this year. Partners are invited.
Club Officers
Attleboro Garden Club Officers
2023 – 2024
President: Donna Johnson
Co-Vice Presidents: Kathi Gariepy and Andrea Dion-Purdy
Recording Secretary: Linda Alger
Corresponding Secretary: Amy Bergeron
Treasurer: Nancy DeGirolamo
Ex Officio: Joscelyn Varieur and Naomi Cordell
Auditor: Betsy Whitfield
Hospitality: Donna Crooks
Sunshine Coordinator: June O’Beirne
Membership: Carol Lundquist
Plant Sale: Kathy Gariepy
Programs: Sandra Stuart and Jessie Murphy
Program Book: Officers
Rose Garden: Dawn Spolidoro
Library Garden: Kathy Gariepy
Gilbert-Perry Square Garden: Kathy Gariepy
Facebook Administrator: Joscelyn Varieur
Webmaster: Michelle Lundquist
Club Email: